Power of Nigerian Youth: The Future is Now

Power of Nigerian Youth: The Future is Now

The youth possess immense value in the present, and we must seize every opportunity to demonstrate our worth through passion, hard work, and discipline. I have faced numerous obstacles and triumphed over adversity, proving that young individuals are more than capable of leading and creating a positive change. Through my story and the stories of countless other Nigerian youths, we aim to change the narrative and birth a new Nigeria. 

Despite the loss of my father at a young age, I persevered and accomplished significant milestones, including graduating from university and being elected as a councillor.I encountered setbacks, such as losing my seat and facing suspension, but through resilience and determination, I prevailed and proved my capabilities.

The appointment as the Executive Director of Business Development at a prominent Exim Bank in Africa and serving as a member of the Caretaker Committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC) exemplify the leadership roles I have undertaken. Along my journey, I faced adversity, including blackmail and petitions, but I refused to be deterred, determined to change the narrative surrounding Nigerian youth.It is time to discard the notion that young people are solely the future and acknowledge their ability to make an impact in the present.

My story is just one of many exciting and challenging narratives among Nigerian youth. Through resilience, determination, and a commitment to excellence, we can shatter stereotypes and prove our readiness to lead. Together, we will overcome obstacles, dispel doubts, and build a new Nigeria, driven by the energy, vision, and passion of its young people. The time for Nigerian youth to be recognized as capable leaders is now, and we are poised to usher in a brighter future for our beloved country.